Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The Philadelphia "Guide" Post

Welcome to my blog, and welcome to Philadelphia if you are visiting. With this "guide" post I hope to give you some links to my Philadelphia-themed posts so that you don't have to slog through the blog to find them efficiently. I write about places mostly, so please explore my blog for my take on the places I visit. I try to tell the story of my experience in each, with lots of pictures and some history.

If you haven't been to Philadelphia before, you MUST visit some historical spots! There are so many you might not know where to start, but I suggest you start by reading my blog on the topic for ideas. Ben Franklin must be Philadelphia's all-time favorite son so you might want to focus on his life. Check out his legacy here.

One of the most fascinating places I've even been in Philadelphia is Eastern State Penitentiary. It's about four blocks north of the Art Museum and easily within walking distance from the Convention Center.

For a quiet, meditative space, visit Washington Square, just east of Center City and south of the Convention Center.

For something completely unique, head to South Street (tons of restaurants and bars) where you'll find Philadelphia's Magic Gardens. Bring thy camera.

The Convention Center blooms every year with the famous Philadelphia Flower Show. I blogged about it in 2010 and in 2009 (part one and part two). The famous flowers will be blooming while the Innovations 2012 conference is going on...just in case you haven't heard.

You may have heard of the Mummers' Parade on New Year's Day. I'll take you there on a warm day in 2012, and a very cold day in 2009.

Here is my take on the ships of Philadelphia's waterfront, Penn's Landing.

I lived in and explored this city in the 1980s as a graduate student in Music. One day, 25 or so years later, I set out to retrace my steps and visit my old haunts.

You may be interested in accompanying me to Bucks County:

Washington's Crossing (actually I'm standing on the New Jersey side),
Ringing Rocks Park,
Moravian Tile Works, and,
Pearl S. Buck's House,

or Longwood Gardens in Chester County.

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