Sunday, August 3, 2014

Philadelphia Bricks (Not a Metaphor) and some Fancy Stuff in Sepia

Walking around Center City Philadelphia yesterday, with no particular place to go for a few hours, I found myself shooting photos of architectural details. I possess no special knowledge in this area; I was just focusing on parts of buildings I found interesting.

The icing on this cake is made of bricks.

Probably pretty old bricks on Locust Street
Yellow bricks, Walnut Street
Yellow bricks, different design, same building

Some thought went into this facade (Chestnut Street)
Holy Bricks (North Broad Street)
Paving Bricks (from Locust Street)
Painted bricks, 15th and Market Streets
A crazy sampler of brick technique at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Art
Closer-up of PAFA
While bricks are there to hold up the buildings, there are some elements that exist just to be fancy. Viewed through my sepia filter, you'll be able to see the detail better than in the ordinary unfiltered shot. How many times have I walked past these gems and not really noticed them?

On Chestnut Street
Curtis Institute of Music, Locust Street

Also Curtis on Locust
15th Street (This building, which resembles the Medici Palace, has been repurposed as a gym.)
Your assignment: walk around and look for cool architectural details and shoot them! Imagine being the person who crafted this stuff and time-traveling one or two centuries into the future to see your craft still appreciated but in a whole new, modern, world.

PS Look closely at that arch: the stones alternate rough-smooth-rough-smooth. Would we notice that from the street? Hmmm.

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