Saturday, November 2, 2013

Autumn Baywalk

Gladys the Sheltie wanted me to show you what we saw on our walk this afternoon at the Delaware Bay. It was low tide, so the beach looked like this:

and we saw lots  of things washed-up on the sand.
A claw
And, of course, shells
There was a recently-deceased or napping horseshoe (I'm told not to call them crabs because they are more like spiders, actually),
and a gull looking for lunch hiding just under the sand.
Since it was super-low tide, I got some close-up shots of this jetty which is usually under the water. Who knew so many critters lived under there?!
The Cape May-Lewes Ferry made an appearance after the HOOOOOONNNNNK HONK HONK HONK warning signal.
The ferry is leaving the canal.
 Gladys had had enough by now, we headed home to rest while our crepe myrtle tree is doing this because it is autumn!

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