Wednesday, October 21, 2009

iPhone Photography

Twice this week, I've come across references to photos taken with iPhones. First, check out the Nov/Dec issue of American Photo. "Instant Gratification," an article on camera phone photography begins on page 56. We're not talking about little snapshots like the one I took of Fred last night after he ate the enormous cheeseburger

and got his picture on the wall of the restaurant, or the one of the Gladys after she covered herself in Post-it tabs.

The iPhone came in handy on this day to capture pictures of my poor dismantled car which was promised to me the day before. That's Oscar working on it trying to make me think he'd been working on it all along. I think he was surprised by the impromptu photo shoot, and I had my MINI back in a few days. (I'm still waiting for him to call about reapplying the stripes to the hood.)
Mentioned in the media lately, though, are iPhone photos taken by professional photographers who now consider their iPhones part of their standard gear. Think about it: you have your cellphone with you more than your big digital camera, so already it's more convenient. I just transferred my iPhone shots to my 17" laptop, and I'm amazed by their quality. The iPhone is not as klunky (that word always reminds me of Ernie on "My Three Sons") as a big digital camera, so it is easier to use in certain situations and easier to hold in creative ways. Since there aren't buttons and dials to experiment with, the emphasis is on the content of the photo rather than exposure, aperture, and the rest of those mysterious settings.
The articles I read this week about iPhone inspired me to look back at the photos I have taken since I acquired it in June. And that's the other thing: my old phone held about nine photos, but the iPhone can store many, many more.
I hadn't brought my DSLR to the Delaware Bay beach for this evening's sunset, but I did have my iPhone! What a great shot, huh?
If you've ever tried to get good portraits of pets, you know how they instinctively refuse to be cute while the camera's in your hand. I happened to have the iPhone handy to get these great shots of my girls.
Imagine how difficult it would be to capture this belly-rub face with a DSLR!
Then there was this amazing expert award-winning quilt at a recent quilt expo
And a more humble work of my own.

For more ideas and some tips on iPhone photography, check out this other article: "Photo Lessons from an iPhone" by Shelly Perry:

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