Tuesday, June 9, 2009

West Cape May Strawberry Festival

The West Cape May Strawberry Festival was our break from a week of hard labor surrounding the installation of new vinyl floors at the Cape May house. It was more than just moving stuff and moving it back: we (okay Fred) had to take up old linoleum, remove wood trim, and stain and attach new wood. I think we made four trips to Lowe's. I'll have to add those helpful people to my Christmas card list now.

Back to the Strawberry Festival: it's a nice mix of antique and craft booths, local businesses, and yummy food with high-caliber musical entertainment all in little Wilbraham Park. I was thrilled to see that Kid Davis and the Bullets were there again this year. they are a talented rockabilly band from Delaware. Each of the three players is a master of his instrument and a joy to watch. Even better, they seem to enjoy themselves on stage. Kid Davis, with copious tattoos and melon-colored Fender 6-string, is quite the frontman--rivaling even Brian Setzer, one of my all-time favorites. Last year they got my attention with Johnny Cash's "Big River", rockabilly style, and drew me in with a ton of other great covers and originals. This year there were new originals (mostly written by the Kid) and a rockabilly version of Pink Floyd's "Dark Side of the Moon". Yeah, you read that right! Near the end of the set was a rockin' version of "Viva Las Vegas" and this little gem of which I snuck a video snippet:

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