Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Queen Victoria Garden Tour

On Monday evening I attended the Garden Tour at the Queen Victoria Bed & Breakfast. I brought along the new camera just in case there were beautiful blooms, and there were. Most of the flowers and greenery were familiar, but I saw some unusual speimens. The free booklet guide helped identify them by garden location, and will be handy when I get around to labeling my photos. The self-guided tour took about an hour and covered not only the Queen Victoria, but some other properties nearby.

Look at this shot of crepe myrtle buds with the blurry blooms and Victorian window in the background. I'm not saying how long it took me to learn how to do this!


Afterwards, I took advantage of the early evening light and took some new photos of Cape May's Victorian architecture and the beach. Lots of people were walking around even though it was a Monday evening. There were strollers everywhere, and although they tried, none ran me over. Here's a whale watch boat and lifeguard stand. I'm standing on the Promenade to take this.

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