Friday, August 8, 2008

National Lighthouse Day

Today's big event was the National Lighthouse Day celebration at the Cape May Point Lighthouse. It was a hot day so I consumed a lot of the freshly-squeezed lemonade for sale there. It was a fun event with foods, craft vendors, and sea-themed musical entertainment. Dr. Physick, Cape May's well-known historic citizen and honorary mayor, made an appearnace in a summer white suit.

I took a walk over to the bird observing deck and met a North Carolina birder with his lens focused on a glossy ibis. What an amazing specimen! I couldn't see it with my naked eye, but through his glass the glossy ibis revealed its black feathers with a reddish sheen. There was a great egret there, much more common in Cape May, along with seagulls, common terns, and a white swan. It's going to take a lot of practice before I can recognize these birds.

Gladys the Sheltie Puppy and I finished the day at the bay. We hoped for a beautiful sunset since we carried the camera, tripod, beach chair and beach stuff all the way there. The sun was behind a big cloud (bummer), but there were still pinks and blues in the sky.

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