Saturday, January 9, 2016

Mallards & Buffleheads & Goldeneyes

The lake trail (with some other guy and his sweatered bulldog up ahead)
Good Morning, Readers. Fred and Gladys and I have been walking in the Hamilton-Trenton Marsh lately, not as a formal New Year's exercise resolution, but just 'because'. One of these days I will remember to set the pedometer app to measure the walk, but I estimate that it is about two miles: from the house, around the corner, down the hill, around the lake, up the hill, and back home. This post is more pictorial than literary, and I hope you will have the sensation that you came along with us but without the ever-so-slight ache in your calves. BTW, this area is also known as John Roebling Park, Spring Lake, and most recently, Abbott Marshlands.

Beaver architecture, ca. 2016
This is Spring Lake
Action shot: Gladys loves the Marsh!
Tree down! This tree always dreamed of being a dock.
Water Snakes: usually I don't see these.



and BIRDS:

Look between the Phragmites to see the Mallard
Goldeneyes? Buffleheads? I think I saw some of each, but I walked away without good evidence.
The soundtrack of our walk was provided by these noisy Canada Geese.
As you can see by our walk, there's plenty of life being lived in the winter marsh. I'm not 100% sure that my bird identifications are 100% correct, but I did my best post-walk research with my Peterson and Kaufman bird guides. It is a truth universally acknowledged by birders that birds in the wild do not stand still to pose for photographers or amateur birders. What fun would it be if they did?