Saturday, September 29, 2012

Mind Mapping with Margaret

I don't know if you know, how could you, really, that I have an interest in mind mapping and other types of visual organization tools. I contend that these tools, especially mind mapping, are effective ways not only to organize information, but also to learn more deeply and find connections between things. I spent a sabbatical studying mind maps and experimenting with other kinds of tools, and I wrote about my experience on my other blog, Margaret MindMapping. I only post there when I have a new idea or breaking mind mapping news.

A mind map of my mind map project

I posted on that other blog this morning, on the concept of confidence, and how we can become confident about knowledge. Of course I advocate the use of mind maps, and I use them all the time, but I acknowledge the skeptics. I also acknowledge that skeptics sometimes see the mind-map light. This is what I call mind map breaking news.

This scanned artifact shows my notes for a presentation I did in 2010. My presentations (usually) don't seem scripted because they aren't: I'm usually speaking from a mind map. Sometimes, I'm speaking about mind maps.
So take a look at my other colorful mind maps over on the other blog on this dreary, grayish day, and see if maybe this non-linear way of organizing can help you gain more confidence with information. It's just a thought--I won't bombard you with posts or try to convince you. Just take a look.

An early electronic mind map using OpenMind software. One of my favorite examples, this illustrated mind map helped me come up with an effective form for an award-winning essay. Just sayin'.